Postconviction Relief for the Florida Prisoner is a compilation of articles written by Loren Rhoton. Mr. Rhoton has drawn on his research and many years of postconviction/appellate experience to compile helpful insights, relevant legal authorities, and general advice to assist Florida inmates in understanding the postconviction process. The articles are targeted toward laypersons in an effort to help pro se litigants understand both the procedural and substantive aspects of the Florida postconviction processes.
The book addresses the full range of the postconviction process, from the filing of the initial postconviction motions and through the ensuing appeals. It deals with issues of legality of sentences, clemency, resentencing, belated appeals, judicial estoppel, public records requests, and more. The book further provides helpful advice regarding the filing of federal habeas corpus petitions.
Postconviction Relief for the Florida Prisoner is an informative resource for pro se postconviction petitioners who cannot afford the assistance of counsel. The book also is instructive for those who are already involved in the postconviction process or are considering pursuing postconviction relief.

The formbook is a companion to Postconviction Relief for the Florida Prisoner. While Postconviction Relief for the Florida Prisoner addresses substantive postconviction issues, the formbook provides practical examples of how to present postconviction motions. The formbook contains sample pleadings for the most common postconviction actions in the state of Florida and is an indispensable tool for the pro se postconviction litigant.
The formbook is sold on Amazon and other online outlets for $50.00, but is specially discounted to $25.00 for Florida prisoners on this website. For any order to be delivered to an inmate in a Florida prison or jail, the price is $25.00. For orders addressed to nonprisoners, the cost is $50.00.

The Florida Postconviction Journal (FPJ) is a quarterly(ish) newsletter published by Loren Rhoton, P.A. It is the goal of the FPJ to provide relevant, timely and informative articles on matters relating to the field of postconviction law. We strive to give inmates as much helpful information as we can so that all postconviction litigants can be properly armed with helpful legal authority and arguments for collateral attacks. FPJ aims to empower and educate incarcerated persons about their legal rights.
The FPJ is provided free of charge to all inmates who request a subscription. Others (non-inmates) who wish to subscribe can do so at the rate of $25.00 per year. To add an inmate to the FPJ mailing list, simply email us a subscription request with the inmate’s name, D.C. number, and institution. For non-inmates, a subscription can be purchased by mailing a check or money order, payable to Loren Rhoton, P.A., in the amount of $25.00 to: Loren Rhoton, P.A., 412 E. Madison St., Suite 1111, Tampa, Florida, 33602. Alternatively, a subscription for a non-inmate can be purchased here: